
As a corpus of creative work, the SABC Art Collection represents an important investment – financially, historically and culturally. Deeply diverse and passionately plural, it is an enormous asset to both the SABC and the South African public at large.

We strive to make the artworks as socially accessible as possible. All efforts are made to promote public accessibility by means of social media, exhibitions, public tours and travelling exhibitions to major venues and festivals.

The SABC Art Collection strongly supports the study of art as part of the official curriculum. For a direct, first-hand experience of the artworks they are studying, scholars and students are invited to view the exhibition in the foyer of the SABC’s Radio Park Building in Auckland Park, or to book a guided tour of the Collection. This website has also been developed as a tool to assist scholars and students in their study of South African art, and to offer insight into the production and interpretation of artworks in the Collection.

We take great pleasure in the constant flow of responses to the work displayed in the foyers, open spaces and offices of the SABC head office in Johannesburg, as well as in its regional offices in Durban and Cape Town – an affirmation of the importance of the Collection and its place in the heart of South Africans from all walks of life.

The SABC Art Collection was awarded a BASA (Business Arts South Africa) Award in 2006.


Access to the artworks on display in the foyer of the Radio Park building in Auckland Park is free to interested members of the public. Viewing artworks beyond the foyer requires special permission. School and public tours of the Collection can be organised by special arrangement, and anyone interested in booking a tour should contact the curator.